Radio and tv host, bestselling author of "Success Starts Today," co-authored with #1 business and success coach Jack Canfield.
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Anointed and captivating speaker with a unique, distinct, and powerful voice. She has traveled and worked with legendary motivational speaker Les Brown.
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Founder of The Master's "Next Dimension" Church. A leader to leaders and overseer of churches. She operates through the gifts of the Holy Spirit to pray, prophesy, preach, teach and see God manifest His Word and His Presence.
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Founder of the "Royal Women Rising" encounters and "Royal Sis Club," encouraging, empowering, equipping, and supporting women, and women in business and ministry, so that they can fulfill the will of God for their lives.
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She encourages others to go higher and deeper in their walk with God, become Presence Dwellers and Glory Carriers. To be empowered by the Holy Spirit and be about the father's business, continue the work of Christ to do greater works and see God manifest Himself to draw people to Himself, transform lives, and manifest miracles, signs, and wonders, all to the glory of God.